
Sitting is the New Smoking

Many health experts are calling sitting the new smoking. How can something so simple and seemingly benign have such incredible consequences to be called the new smoking? ...

We all know standing desks are becoming popular. And there are knee chairs and balance ball chairs that have been around for a few decades, used to protect the back from hours of sitting. But who bloody well knew that we were sending ourselves to an early grave by simply sitting at a desk?! And why is it so dang bad for you anyway?

According to experts, it all boils down to this: the human body was designed to move, to be active all day. People in agrarian communities sit for less than 3 hours/day. Humans were never designed to sit at a desk for 6, 8, 10, 12 hours, as we do.

Dr. James Levine who is co-Director of the Obesity Initiative for the Mayo Clinic wrote an enlightening book on the subject called “Get Up! Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About it.” We have to give the guy credit for this massive wake up call. We’d all just be doing our work-outs and sitting all day at the computer working, thinking we were doing a body good, when really… quite the opposite. In fact it doesn’t matter how fit you are, or how much you work out in the morning or evening or at lunch, if you sit for the majority of the day. The molecular mechanisms in play when a person is sedentary for hours are not suddenly reversed by an hour of hot yoga or a 10K run. It just doesn’t work that way. Sitting shuts your system down and tells the body, get ready, this human ain’t got no need for his legs anymore, and maybe, his life...

Rest, i.e. sitting, is designed to be temporary, to give these systems a break and not the other way around. Sitting is not just bad for your back (which I’m acutely aware of) but also your arms, legs, neck, and your metabolism, and your cellular health! There are 10,000 studies and growing that illustrate prolonged sitting is devastating for your health. NASA scientists responsible for monitoring astronauts have shown your body declines rapidly when sitting for prolonged periods. The proof is everywhere.

According to Dr. Levine, “Sitting actually switches off the fundamental fueling systems that integrate what’s going on in the blood stream with what goes on in the muscles and the tissues.” Switches these systems off! Off? This translates to higher blood sugar in people who sit too much, higher blood pressure, more toxins, Levine calls them “growth factors” that could lead to cancer. Yikes! Just from sitting on my arse.

Bottomline: Sitting actively promotes dozens of chronic diseases. Promotes. As in, brings them on, including diabetes. Apparently at a minimum we should be up 10 minutes of every hour. That’s the bare bones minimum.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is standing—all sorts of positive molecular effects come from them, standing, weight bearing on your own two feet. As soon as you stand the cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol – all mediated by insulin, there’s hormones again, our body’s messengers – are activated. Apparently, and I guess it’s kind of obvious now, when you’re crammed into a chair all these systems are shut off!

Now I can attest that my back gets sore when I sit and my food does not digest as well. Do you feel that too? I just got back from vacation, notice the glow, where I moved almost constantly. I wasn’t deliberately working out. I was playing, going to the beach, swimming, surfing, running to the house for snacks, getting on the cruiser bike to pick up dinner or buy a t-shirt or just cruise. I moved for two weeks. I maybe lied on the beach to get warm or sat for a max of 15 minutes at a time to watch the kids. I had no bone or muscle pain, until we flew home. Almost 10 hours of planes, trains, automobiles, and guess what, sciatica, lower back pain, blech.

The solution? Easy. Stand. Move. Home office? Get a standing desk and wiggle, jiggle, move or flow, depending on your style.

On that note, I went to a yoga retreat with one of my favourite yogis, Shiva Rea in November. She’s 50 now and looks amazing, but more importantly, she never has back pain or muscle pain, and if you saw what she can do with her body you may find this shocking. Her reason? Flow. She is constantly fluid, constantly flowing, just a gentle sway to her, like a river, when she’s standing in line, sitting at a desk, talking, in the car, I just picture her kinda like a genie flowing up from the bottle, all misty steamy flowy. Super cool chick. Strong as a brick house. And uber flow…  In other words, standing is rarely standing still, most people move naturally.

So, what’s the good news here? The solution is obvious and it’s free. This doesn’t require a pill or a chiropractor or an expert or even a book. It requires you to stand up. Build yourself a standing desk from scraps around your house, or turn the wastebasket over and plop your computer on top. Easy. Get up and stretch. Tell your boss to buy the book so you have an excuse to get up and move at work or maybe she’ll invest in standing desks. Rad. The good news for your company is this: productivity goes up when people move more.

Go ahead and grab one of the books with their tantalizing titles: “Sitting Kills, Moving Heals” or Levine’s “Get Up!” or simply stand the heck up. Happy healthy standing, moving and eating!!

xx Shannon

my top 6 supplements

Today I give you my top 6 supplements for women over 35. Originally I was going to say women in their 40s, this is The 40 Girl’s Guide, but from what I’m seeing in practice, the vast majority of people all ages will benefit from these supplements. Husbands too. Especially as you get anywhere near the age of 40.

Seems your 40s is typically when any sort of bodily abuse catches up with you: too much sugar, booze binges, potato chips, bagel addictions, and so on. I know, fun. Thanks life. Thanks a lot life. Before I give you my list, let’s talk about why we need a list in the first place. I hear this now and then. “Hey, I eat healthy, I feel good, why do I need to supplement?”

First, you may not. This isn’t for everyone. Every body is different. If you do eat carefully, organic, clean, unprocessed and all that, you may be that one per cent with a spectacularly resilient liver and digestive tract who does not need to supplement. Congrats. You are a rarity and you deserve a plaque. Not the arterial kind, nobody deserves that, except Hitler types, and maybe Trump. Just kidding, Trump you and I can totally hang out, but only if you go back to the Apprentice where you belong. Sorry mom.

Ok, let’s cut to it. Well, most of us think we eat healthier then we do. Does this sound familiar? I hardly eat anything all day. I have organic shade grown coffee for breakfast, with a pinch or grass-fed half and half. I practically live on salads. I have a daily smoothie and I still can’t lose any weight. Cut to anytime after 8:00 pm: me, you, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and a bag of dark chocolate pumpkin bark. Orgasmic. Thank you Costco for ruining my life. Hell, it’s not Costco’s fault. In fact, I applaud them, they have more bulk, affordable organic food then any other big box store or store period—they’re killing it. But their pumpkin bark, might just be killing me.

We need supplements, as a populace, because even when we eat well our bad habits rear their head, plus food addictions, plus denatured often toxic food, plus a rather stressful life. Seriously, people are sicker then ever, sleeping less then ever, eating worse then ever, and there is more chronic disease (which means disease we can control through diet) then ever. The list goes on. Our bodies are taxed beyond capability: enzymes are depleted, hormones are out of whack, we have dysglycemia, dysbiosis and dis-be-dis-dis. That’s why we need supplements, or at least why I do. You decide what’s best for you. Here are the basics to get started:

1)   Probiotics – you would have to be living under a rock to not know why this is important. For ye rock dwellers, our collective gut biomes are a mess, and science is linking the health of the gut to everything from immunity to brain, and mental illness. Feed those little micro-flora the good stuff: probiotics. I use human strain only. Buy it from a naturopath where you are guaranteed 15 billion per cap. Or take BioK. Pricey though.

2)   Magnesium – stress drains your body of this precious mineral, so does coffee and soft drinks and a host of other baddies. It’s needed for everything from calming, restful sleep to bone health, blood pressure and Vitamin D assimilation. I wish I had discovered this mineral sooner. I would have better teeth. I take Calm at night before bed and yes it does help me sleep, no fence jumping sheep required.

3)   Whole Food Multi-Vitamin – I’ve been taking this since before I had my first baby. This is my health insurance. If I eat less then perfect on any given day (try every), this sweet mama ensures I get the basics. This brand has all the Bs, so critical to brain health, A, C, D, E, K and critical minerals/anti-oxidants like selenium and chromium. Literally, don’t leave home without it. Garden of Life, mykind organics, women’s once daily. Yes it’s expensive, but that’s what quality costs.

4)   Fiber – your colon/bowel can not clean itself without enough fiber. And people en masse, do not get enough fiber. So this is also insurance. Renew Life Fibre Smart – it’s got flax, marshmallow root, L-Glutamine, etc., is, in my opinion, the best of the lot.

5)   Greens – I like to eat a lot of greens because salads are yummy. But in the winter, not so much. So as a habit, I take Leaf Greens in the morning to kick-start my day. This one has barley leaf, spinach, kale, arugula, chard, broccoli sprout powders. I order it through AIM company but you can get quality greens at the store – be sure to investigate though, if it’s cheap, it’s lacking. If you want to order via AIM, shoot me an email. I’ll help you.

6)   Fish Oil – we simple are not getting enough EPA DHA in our diet and our body cannot make omega 3s. Deficiency is one of the top 10 causes of death in NA. Get on it. Buy fish oil that comes in a dark bottle that requires refrigeration. Light, air and heat will destroy this fragile oil and make it rancid – which is bad. I will dedicate a post to oils: the good, the bad and the rancid very soon.

BONUS: Vitamin D. Unless your out there sun-bathing on a regular basis, you will need a quality D supplement, get it in D3 form. Some fish oils already contain it.

If I’m being honest, I’ll tell you, there are a few more supplements I take now that I’m getting older. Keep checking back for my hormone post where I’ll get into all that. But the list I’ve just given you is fantastic. If you currently take nothing or very little, you should notice big changes and real benefits. As always, run it by your doctor and naturopath before embarking, etc. Happy pill popping!

            Yours in health, love & peace Shannon

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